

EU Orchards of Taste – 101015762” is an AGRI-MULTI information project under the Regulation (EU) 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and the topic: Multi-C-2020 for information and promotion of fresh fruits in third countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and South Korea).

The action concerns a basket of fresh fruits, specifically: kiwi, cherry, sour cherry, blueberries, apples, plums, peach, apricot and grapes.

The consortium is consisted by:

  • Agios Loukas Agricultural Cooperation Rachi Pieria & O.P. from Greece – Coordinator
  • Agrotikos Sinetairismos Sparagoparagogon Nestou from Greece – Partner
  • Asociatia Organizatia Interprofesionala Nationala PRODCOM Legume Fructe from Romania – Partner

During the submission of the project, in June 2020, the stakeholders discussed and decided the objectives of the program, which align with the Reg (EU) 1144/2014:

  • To expand the existing network of sales of the Greek products under promotion in the target countries.
  • To create new channels and networks for the Romanian products under promotion in the target countries.
  • To strengthen the economic transactions.
  • To build the awareness of the products under promotion in the target countries.
  • To build trust and confidence for the EU fresh fruits.
  • To promote the quality of the fresh fruits in the target countries;
  • To increase the demand of safety-oriented and healthy-oriented food.
  • To better understand the diversification of the consumers’ needs and the creation of the market they are expecting.
  • To promote the consumption of the healthy-oriented food to the elderly people, since the healthy lifestyle is increasing.
The overall goal of the project is twofold:

For the target countries: to build their confidence and trust for the EU fresh fruits
For the participating countries (Greece and Romania):

  • To enhance their productivity
  • The added value
  • The agricultural income
  • The preservation of employment of the sector
  • To contribute to the national economic growth and to fight poverty.

The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.