


Kiwi is a fruit that is quite juicy, with a green inside that contains small black seeds. Its external color is dark brown with a characteristic rough surface while the taste of kiwi is slightly acidic, with a slightly sub-sweet taste.

Kiwi in order to give the best results both qualitatively and quantitatively must be grown in rich and fertile soils. The best planting season is in the spring, when the climatic conditions are ideal. More specifically, in terms of climatic conditions, kiwi needs mild winters and hot and humid summers.

Morphologically the kiwi begins its cultivation as a shrub where, however, by supporting it with stakes, it acquires its final tree form. It is worth saying that it has a very high growth rate while its total height can reach 9 meters!

As previously mentioned, in order for the kiwi to grow properly, it needs rich and fertile soils which must have a moderate composition, good humidity, good drainage and a soil pH that in no case exceeds 7! As we see the kiwi tree has high water requirements which should be met normally. At the same time, let us not forget that kiwi does not tolerate drought at all.

Kiwi is being harvested from October to mid-November!

Did you know that kiwi has an extremely high content of vitamins and especially vitamins C? It is typically worth noting that kiwi has 20 times more vitamin C even than orange!

But kiwi, in addition to being a very useful fruit for our body, is also a very tasty product with which we can make wonderful jams, cakes, juices, liqueurs, make excellent desserts with yogurt and many more recipes that we can highlight using this unique natural treasure.

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