Asociatia Organizatia Interpofesionala Nationala "PRODCOM LEGUME-FRUCTE"
PRODCOM LEGUME - FRUCTE is a non-profit private legal entity, which goal is to represent the interests of its members, and to reach out to natural and legal persons private law, public authorities and to enhance domestic and international consumer information around the vegetables.
PRODCOM LEGUME FRUCTE is an interbranch organization recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania and is a member of the COPA-COGECA with representative office in Brussels.
The main purpose of the Association is to represent national and international interests of its members and support these interests in terms of a competitive economy based on performance.
The main objectives of Prodcom, are promoting the common interests of its representing, promoting and protecting common interests of the members of the association before public administrative authorities, facilitating dialogue between public administrative authorities and members of the Association in order to increase economic efficiency of producers of vegetables, conducting regional, intra-regional or community, a number of activities to consider the interest of the client.
*The main goals of the organization are:
- Sustainable development of agricultural production by supporting private agricultural producer’s to capitalize on resources, material and human in rural areas, in order to increase economic power of associations of farmers and agricultural associations.
- Contributes to better coordination of the market placement of fruit and vegetables especially through market research.
- The efficient use of the potential of tree plantations and fruit and vegetable crops.
- Improving the information system of request and supply.
- Developing the methods and tools needed to improve product quality.
- Ensuring equal chances and rights for all members of the organization.
- Participation of agricultural producers in the development of strategies and programs of the sectors they represent.
- Developing rules to be applied by members and non-members organization regarding:
- Product information, cultivation intentions, cultivated areas, by product, varieties, estimations, storage, etc.
- Production rules. Selection of seeds by destination – market for fresh products, market for processed products.
- Market standards on quality, presentation, the origin of the products.
- Environmental protection rules for use of pesticides, waste removal, etc.
The concerns of the Organizations are:
- Defense of members' interests in their relationships with other government bodies and central and local government
- Elaboration and promotion of financial support programs for the members and getting facilities
- Working with financing bodies in the country or abroad for contracting credits and implementing some programs to ensure the development of viable and competitive exploitations and technical support
- Collaboration with other state and civil society bodies with to ensure common understanding of the pricing policy of sale and acquisition in relations with economic agents;
- The concern to promote some production technologies, which ensure the protection of the environment;
- Providing consultancy, mainly in the field of association, management and marketing, in collaboration with private companies or with the competent bodies (National Agency for Agricultural Consultancy in Romania subordinated of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Waters and the Environment);
- Ways to receive new members and other activities of interest common;
- Expression of the common interests of the members of the organization, which provide production, processing, transport, storage, distribution and marketing of agricultural products
- The development of the agro-food products market and the formation of a business specific market economy, to ensure competitive sales prices;
- Promotion of agro-food products on the internal and external market;
- Harmonizing the activity and interests of affiliated members as well as mediating disagreements between them;
- Providing support and specialized assistance through their own employees;
- Organizing and participating in conferences, symposiums, exhibitions and other manifestations in the field of agriculture and food industry;
- The formulation of proposals and observations for the improvement of some normative acts, regulations and instructions, as well as the national strategy on the food and beverage product line;
- Publishing and dissemination of publications in the field of vegetables and fruits;
- Supporting the scientific research activity in the field of vegetables and fruits;
- Inform consumers about quality assortments and the organoleptic properties of vegetables and fruits
- Informing agricultural producers and consumers about quality standards for vegetables and fruits;
- Supporting changes in the quality standards of vegetables and fruits as well as vegetables and fruit products when the situation demands.